10 Home Remedies For Oral Thrush

By albert
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Home Remedy #10: Reduce or Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet

As mentioned elsewhere, sugar is one of the factors that the Candida albicans fungus depends on to thrive, multiply, and cause damage through infections. By eliminating sugar from your diet, you will be cutting down on the food supply to the fungus and thus slowing down its growth. Combining this with other home remedies for oral thrush will help reduce the numbers of the fungus such that it will no longer cause oral candidiasis.

During and after recovery from oral thrush, eat nutrient dense foods such as legumes, fresh vegetables, greens, and fish to energize your body without feeding the yeast. You should also avoid things like alcohol, maple syrup, and high sugar fruits during treatment since they are high in sugar. Breastfeeding mothers should also follow such a diet to provide their babies with the nutrients necessary to build their immunity.

Oral Thrush

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