10 Home Remedies For Abscess Tooth

By jolene
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Home Remedy #7: Clove Essential Oil

Cloves are aromatic flower buds that come from the Syzygium aromaticum tree that are native to Indonesia. Despite its long history of use in traditional medicine, there is little scientific evidence that proves its effectiveness. Clove oil contains eugenol and is traditionally used as a painkiller for various disorders including dental emergencies. It can be used as both an antiseptic and anesthetic as it helps numb the nerves and prevent further infection.

The clove essential oil should be diluted before use. This can be done by mixing 3 to 5 drops of clove essential oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil. It can be applied to the affected area using a cotton swab or made into a mouthwash by mixing it with water.

Abscess Tooth

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