Health Benefits of Bone Marrow

By james
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In the center of some of our bones is a substance that is essential to our well-being: bone marrow. This substance is responsible for creating new blood cells and is essential for healthy blood and a strong immune system. In addition to being important as a part of our own bodies, bone marrow provides us with various health benefits when eaten.

As well as being good for us, bone marrow is also delicious and can be used in a variety of ways. You can make a delicious bone broth to make the most of the nutrients or you can look online for other recipes.

Bone Marrow

1. Nutritious

Bone may not sound nutritious, but what’s inside is jam-packed full of nutrition. Even in the wild, many predators will want to get to the bone marrow because it is one of the most nutritious parts of the meal. In addition to being very nutritious for wild animals, bone marrow is also very nutritious for human beings. For every 100 gram of bone marrow, you will find 6.7 grams of protein. You will also find 84.4 gram of lipid fats; fats that are very important for our well-being overall. Bone marrow also has a high calorific value, which can be very important for people recovering from illnesses.

Bone Marrow

2. Diabetes

Millions of people around the world must be very careful about what they eat because they have a condition known as diabetes. In short, the condition means that they are unable to regulate their blood sugar levels. This can be dangerous for them in the short term while it can also lead to complications in the long term. Bone marrow contains a hormone known as adiponectin.

This hormone aids with digestion, which is important for diabetics, while it also helps to regulate insulin in the body. Because insulin is essential in helping to regulate blood sugar levels, regulation of the substance can help reduce the risk of diabetes.

Bone Marrow

3. Immunity

None of us are ever completely safe from microbes around us. They can be anywhere and even the most careful of people can still fall ill from time to time. While we are not completely safe, we are still protected a great deal by an effective immune system that helps deal with pathogens and other threats.

One of the roles of bone marrow in the body is to manufacture red and white blood cells, and white blood cells in particular are an essential part of our immune system. As such, the bone marrow contains lymphoid and myeloid stem cells and this provides a significant boost to our immune system.

Bone Marrow

4. Repair

Wear and tear are inevitable as time goes by. We will pick up the odd bump and scratch and our joints will also face wear and tear as they are used day in, day out. To help keep us in good working condition, our body will constantly be carrying our repairs and maintenance. Eating bone marrow may be able to help with this.

The stem cells found in bone marrow can help with the regeneration and repair of cells in our body. This helps to ensure everything continues to run as smoothly as possible, helping to keep you in good health well into your old age.

Bone Marrow

5. Healthy Skeleton

A healthy skeleton is essential in order for us to maintain our mobility. It needs to be strong enough to support our body, while it also needs to have joints that are flexible enough to allow us to move freely. Our bones are also living things and they need the right nutrition in order to keep them healthy and well. Our bones need plenty of calcium, a mineral that is found in bone marrow.

Bone marrow also contains a range of other minerals and vitamins that are needed to keep our skeletons strong. Bone marrow can also help to keep our joints moving freely.

Bone Marrow

6. Anti-Ageing

We all get older, no matter how much we might not want that to be the case. Our bodies will inevitably begin to slow down and various body parts will no longer work as well as they used to. Our skin will also begin to deteriorate and this will be a leading factor in the appearance of ageing. Bone marrow is a good source of collagen, a compound that helps to keep the skin soft and flexible.

In addition, it also releases antioxidants that help combat free radicals that might otherwise do harm to the skin at the cellular level. This means that including bone marrow in your diet can help keep you looking younger for longer.

Bone Marrow

7. Decreases Inflammation

Inflammation in the body can be the cause of a wide range of problems. One such problem is arthritis, while it can also lead to heart disease and issues with other organs. Get plenty of bone marrow in your diet, however, and you could be helping to prevent inflammation.

Bone marrow is a good source of a protein known as glycine. Studies have shown that this protein can be an effective anti-inflammatory. Bone marrow is also a source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is another compound that is known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Bone Marrow

8. Weight Loss

Pretty much everybody knows about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. If our body is too large then it will place a lot of strain on our essential organs and can lead to heart problems and other serious conditions in the future. Keeping our weight down is generally easier said than done, however.

Bone marrow is a good source of gelatin, which is a compound known to be able to help people lose weight. That is in addition to the excellent nutrition it provides, meaning it makes an ideal supplement for people that are on a weight loss diet.

Bone Marrow

9. Keto Flu

The keto diet is a diet that involves eating very few carbs and replacing the energy from carbs with energy from fats. The diet requires people to undergo a condition known as ketosis, which is when the body makes the shift from one energy source to another. While the diet is said to bring numerous health benefits, including weight loss, it does come with unwelcome side effects.

One such side effect is keto flu, which is not really a flu, but the patient does experience similar symptoms. Including bone marrow in your diet can help ease the symptoms of keto flu.

Bone Marrow

10. Digestion

Our digestive system is essential to us because it enables us to get the nutrition that we need from the food that we eat. This means we get the energy we need, the building blocks for growth and repair, and vitamins and minerals that help ensure our bodies run smoothly.

Our digestive system is also very important in helping to keep us healthy and well, and what we eat is one of the leading factors in helping to keep our digestive system healthy. Bone marrow helps prevent inflammation in the digestive system and also helps us to absorb the nutrients that we need.

Bone Marrow

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