10 Drinks that Help Sore Throats

By albert
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Drink #9: Turmeric Milk Drink

Turmeric is a potent medicinal plant that is used in the prevention and treatment of many conditions including colds and sore throats. Turmeric has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is also antimicrobial. Many of these properties can be attributed to curcumin, which is the best known active compound in turmeric. A lot of research on turmeric in the past few decades has established that this yellow tuber indeed provides potent arsenal against inflammation and infections.

Combining turmeric with black pepper and milk and drinking it when you have sore throat helps reduce inflammation, reduce the pain, and stimulate healing. You can make turmeric milk by adding one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a half teaspoon of black pepper powder to a cup of warm water. Stir and drink. Repeat this treatment three or four times in a day.

Sore Throats

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