10 Dislocated Elbow Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #8: Distortion of the Arm

Inability to bend the elbow, or distortion of the arm, are symptoms of a serious dislocation of the elbow. If dislocation occurs as a result of overextending the elbow outwardly, the ulna and radius bones may be completely disengaged from the humerus. As a result, the arm may remain in an outstretched state with excruciating pain developing any time you try to bend the elbow or make any other movement with it.

This kind of dislocation can affect most of the other tissues located at or running across the elbow, including blood vessels, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. The best action to take is to have the patient lie down and call an ambulance. This will minimize movement of the arm to prevent further damage.

Dislocated Elbow

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