10 Detached Retina Symptoms
- 1. Common Eye Disorders and Diseases. (2020, June 03). Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/visionhealth/basics/ced/index.html
- 2. Pitcher, J., MD. (2017, July 01). Traumatic Retinal Detachment in Younger Patients. Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://www.retinalphysician.com/issues/2017/july august-2017/traumatic-retinal-detachment-in-younger-patients
7. Shadow or Dark Curtain in Vision
If the retina begins to detach and lose its oxygen supply, the detached areas may cease to work properly. As a consequence, the affected person’s vision may become partially blocked by grey or dark shapes that move across or on the edge of the visual field. This phenomenon is commonly reported as a curtain-like shadow, and it is a frequent symptom among people with retinal detachment.
As retinal detachment progresses, and more of the retina detaches, the curtain-like shadow will continue to move towards the center of the visual field. If you start experiencing this symptom, you must attend to an emergency department right away.