10 Detached Retina Symptoms
- 1. Common Eye Disorders and Diseases. (2020, June 03). Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/visionhealth/basics/ced/index.html
- 2. Pitcher, J., MD. (2017, July 01). Traumatic Retinal Detachment in Younger Patients. Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://www.retinalphysician.com/issues/2017/july august-2017/traumatic-retinal-detachment-in-younger-patients
2. Photopsia
Photopsia describes a sensation of flashing lights, usually in the peripheral part of the vision. Flashing lights can occur when the back of your eye (retina) is stimulated by something within rather than by the light that enters the structure. Typically, this visual disturbance has a sudden and brief onset; however, it can also become permanent. Moreover, depending on its cause, this symptom can affect one or both eyes simultaneously.
Photopsia can sometimes be normal; however, it may also be a sign of a retinal tear or the start of a retinal detachment. Since there is no way for a person that experiences this symptom for the first time to tell if it is normal or pathological, getting checked with a professional is recommended.