10 Detached Retina Symptoms
- 1. Common Eye Disorders and Diseases. (2020, June 03). Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/visionhealth/basics/ced/index.html
- 2. Pitcher, J., MD. (2017, July 01). Traumatic Retinal Detachment in Younger Patients. Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://www.retinalphysician.com/issues/2017/july august-2017/traumatic-retinal-detachment-in-younger-patients
4. Ring-Shaped Floaters
Floaters are tiny dark shapes that float across the vision. They can result from normal changes in the eyes; however, they can also be a sign of serious problems. Moreover, floaters can have many forms; which can sometimes vary depending on their cause. Most floaters are tiny and don’t interfere much with vision. However, in certain conditions, larger floaters can appear.
Floaters that appear suddenly and are large and circular can be a sign of a condition known as posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). In PVD the gel-like substance (vitreous), which normally fills the whole volume of the eye, shrinks and separates from the retina. When the vitreous finally separates from its annular attachment around the optic nerve (Weiss ring), a ring-shaped floater can appear in the center of the vision. Importantly, retinal detachment is a common complication of PVD; thus, it is not uncommon for these floaters to appear in this condition.