10 Common Causes of Flatulence

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Cause #5: Eating Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables may be among the healthiest vegetables on the planet, but they’re not without their downsides. Many of the cruciferous vegetables are known for contributing to gas, and eating them excessively can lead to flatulence. Some of the vegetables that are included in the cruciferous family are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and bok choy.

The veggies from this family can induce flatulence in some people because they are high in soluble fiber and raffinose. The former has the capacity of dissolving into water and forming a gel that slows the passage of food through the gut. This allows for intestinal bacteria to break down soluble fiber, and produce gas in the process. The latter, raffinose, is an indigestible sugar that can also feed methane-producing bacteria in the large intestine, causing flatulence. Moreover, broccoli (stalks) contains high quantities of a simple sugar, known as fructose, that can also induce flatulence in susceptible individuals (i.e. patients with IBS). Similarly, cauliflower also contains natural polyols (sugar alcohols) that can also increase symptoms in sensitive people.

If you don’t have a medical condition that restricts these veggies from your diet, one of the best ways to decrease the side effects of these nutrient-dense superfoods, while still experiencing their benefits, is to eat them in lower quantities or only a few times a week.


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