Causes of Swollen Tonsils

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Parainfluenza Viruses

Despite similarities in their names, parainfluenza viruses are not related to the influenza virus. They are fairly common, and there are four types, all of which can infect people. They can spread from person to person and can also be contracted from surfaces on which the viruses can survive for hours.

HPIV-1 is the most common cause of croup in children. HPIV-2 also causes the same disease, but it is more likely to be encountered in fall. The HPIV-3 can cause bronchiolitis and pneumonia, and the HPIV-4 virus is known to cause some very serious illnesses but is, thankfully, rare. They can all cause tonsillitis.

Swollen Tonsils

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