10 Causes of Leg Cramps

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #3: Infection

Infection refers to the invasion and multiplication of pathogens in the host tissue such as viruses, bacteria, prions, parasites, fungi, and arthropods. The increased number of pathogens may also lead to the production of toxins. Depending on the immune system of the host, there is a possibility that the infection may resolve if the body is able to fight it off in its own. If not, treatment depends on the underlying cause of the infection and may involve the use of antivirals, antibiotics, anthelminthics, and antifungals.

Some infections can cause muscle spasms and cramps. An infection by Clostridium tetani can lead to severe muscle spasms and cramps of the body including leg cramps. The spasms have been described to be so intense that it can cause bone fractures.

Leg Cramps

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