10 Causes of Bladder Pain

By jolene
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Cause #10: Surgery

Surgery refers to a medical specialty where instruments and techniques are used to treat, investigate, repair, and improve the function of the body in patients. The term “surgery” can also refer to the act of performing surgery known as “operation” or “surgical procedure.” It is common knowledge that all surgery, no matter how minor, has risks. Some general complications that could potentially happen are pain, infection, hemorrhage, neurological issues, and iatrogenic injury.

When surgery is performed in the lower abdominal area, it may weaken the pelvic floor muscles or bladder. It can also damage nerves controlling the bladder resulting in spasms that can cause pain. Bladder spasms may happen after surgeries such as Caesarean section, bladder surgery, prostatectomy, and hysterectomy.

Bladder Pain

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