10 Broken Wrist Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #5: Numbness or Tingling

The wrist, just like other parts of the body, has nerves and blood vessels serving the tissues within it and passing through it to the hand and fingers. When a fracture occurs in the wrist, the nerves and blood vessels are also affected. Consequently, blood flow may not be as smooth as it should. Some nerves may also be pinched.

If this happens, the nerves may become dysfunctional such that nervous signals traveling to and from the wrist area cannot get through properly. This is what causes numbness or tingling. If you or a loved one has a wrist injury that causes numbness or tingling, in addition to other broken wrist symptoms, you need to get to an emergency department for assessment and treatment.

Broken Wrist

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