10 Symptoms of Addison's Disease
Symptom #10: Muscular Pain And Weakness
There are many conditions that can present with muscle pain and weakness. But these can also be symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. The muscle symptoms may be chronic or intermittent and affect different muscles of the body including the shoulders, hips, arms and legs. The symptoms may also affect different muscles at different times. In some instances, there may also be muscle stiffness making it difficult to move or use the affected muscles.
When muscular weakness and pain occur in addition to other signs like hyperpigmentation, loss of weight and fatigue, you would think it is easy to diagnose a case of Addison’s disease. However, because Addison’s disease is rare and these are also symptoms of other diseases, Addison’s disease can remain undiagnosed for months or years. If you notice some of these symptoms, ask to undergo testing for adrenal sufficiency.