10 Narcissist Symptoms

By katherine
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5. Sense of Entitlement

Entitlement is defined as the belief that one deserves special treatment and privileges without having to earn them, and is core to the belief system of a narcissist. A narcissistic person believes he automatically should be given preferential treatment. He might demand a table at a restaurant without a reservation or front row seats at a concert. He may expect to be hired for whatever job he wants, regardless of his qualifications. He assumes everyone should obey him automatically and inconvenience themselves to satisfy his whims.

Whereas some narcissists have unrealistically high standards for themselves, in many cases their moral principles are quite low or even debased. They may believe that morals, societal norms, or even laws are meant for other people but not for them. For example, they may steal out of a sense that they are simply taking what they deserve, or treat someone unfairly because they regard that person as inferior.


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