10 Narcissist Symptoms

By katherine
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10. Consistent Narcissistic Behavior From an Early Age

If one or two of the aforementioned characteristics describes you or someone you know, it does not automatically mean you suffer from a personality disorder. Almost everyone has behaved narcissistically at one time or another, and this is completely normal. Unless you regularly express five or more symptoms of a narcissist, you need not worry about your mental health.

When mental health professionals diagnose NPD, they also determine how long and to what extent the symptoms have been interfering with a person’s enjoyment of daily life. A true narcissist expresses symptoms in all situations, not just around certain people or when under stress. If five or more symptoms have persisted since a person’s early 20s or earlier and also impair the ability to maintain healthy relationships, it is likely that he or she suffers from the disorder.


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