10 Narcissist Symptoms

By katherine
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8. Preoccupation With Envy

A narcissist wants what others have because he feels that he deserves it. His feelings of envy can be intense. He becomes extremely uncomfortable in the presence of those who have things he wishes he had for himself, including material possessions, money, spouses, physical attributes, or personality traits. Sometimes his envy for the possessions or achievements of others serves to fuel additional characteristics of the disorder such as comparing himself with others and a sense of entitlement. Envy can thus lead to a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows.

A consequence of a narcissist’s fixation on envious feelings is to imagine that others also envy him. He thinks that other people spend as much time thinking about him as he thinks about himself. He imagines that others want to be just like him. Interactions with others are usually interpreted through the lens of envy, and negative feedback is often brushed aside with statements like “they’re just jealous.”


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