10 Narcissist Symptoms

By katherine
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4. Attention-Seeking Behavior

Narcissists enjoy their own company and assume everyone else does too. They imagine that everyone is looking at them, leaning in to hear what they have to say, and hanging on their every word. They expect to be the favorite in every situation and crave the compliments and adoration of others. Without attention and flattery, they can lack self-esteem and feel sad.

The expectation to be loved by everyone does not always match up with reality. When other people do not respond with the admiration a narcissist expects, he does not change his self-assessment. Instead, he will simply demand the love and attention he thinks he deserves. He may say things like “tell me you love me” or “admit I’m the best.” Besides praise, he also may demand gifts, money, or all of a significant other’s free time.


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