10 Dry Cough Causes

By sandy
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'How Dry Winter Air Can Cause Respiratory Problems— From Bronchitis to Nosebleeds.' Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, 2 Sept. 2020, health.clevelandclinic.org/can-best-combat-effects-dry-winter-air/
  • 2. Niimi, Akio. 'Cough and Asthma.' PubMed Central (PMC), www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3182093/
  • 3. 'GERD | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease | MedlinePlus.' MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, medlineplus.gov/gerd.html
  • 4. Chung, Kian F., and James H. Hull. 'Upper Airway Cough Syndrome.' Clinical Decision Support for Health Professionals, 13 Sept. 2018, bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-us/1209
  • 5. Thomas, Micah, and Paul A. Bomar. 'Upper Respiratory Tract Infection - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf.' National Center for Biotechnology Information, 30 June 2020, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532961/
  • 6. 'Croup - Symptoms and Causes.' Mayo Clinic, 11 Apr. 2019, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/croup/symptoms-causes/syc-20350348#
  • 7. 'Warning Signs of Heart Failure.' Www.heart.org, [www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-failure/warning-signs-of-heart-failure.](https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-failure/warning-signs-of-heart-failure.)
  • 8. Colbert, Treacy. '9 Early Signs of Lung Cancer.' Healthline, www.healthline.com/health/lung-cancer/early-signs
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Whooping Cough

While similar to croup, whooping cough is caused by a bacterial infection and croup by a viral infection. Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, may start with mild symptoms such as the occasional cough and a stuffy nose.

The severity of the symptoms can increase to vomiting and coughing fits called paroxysms. After one of these fits, the patient may feel fatigued. It can take up to 10 weeks to heal from whooping cough.

Dry Cough

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