Top 10 Tallest Basketball Players

By jamie
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8. Slavko Vranes - 7’7”

Slavko Vranes was born in Pljevlja, SR Montenegro, in Yugoslavia. Vranes first started playing as a junior in Serbia before eventually being picked up by Efes Pilsen, a Turkish club, before then moving onto Buducnost Podgorica of Montenegro. He was noticed by scouts from the NBA and was selected by the New York Knicks in 2003.

Things did not work out for Vranes at the Knicks and he was then given a 10-day contract at the Portland Trailblazers. He played one game with the Trailblazers, which turned out to be the only game he would play in the NBA. At 7’7”, Vranes was the joint 2nd tallest player to play for the NBA.

Tallest Basketball Players

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