Top 10 Never Have I Ever Questions

By jamie
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It is great to spend some time with friends. It is a good chance to have a good time, and maybe have some private chats about what is going on in your lives. Depending on the occasion, you might also want to have a few drinks, and drinking games can be a lot of fun.

One popular drinking game is “Never Have I Ever.” It involves you stating something that you have never done, and others are expected to take a drink if they have done it. The rules can vary, but the game is likely to be a lot of fun. In case you are having difficulty thinking of questions, we have listed some for you to use.

1. Never Have I Cried When Watching a Movie

Many movies are really quite sad and likely to tug at the emotions of even people with the coldest of hearts. Even if somebody does feel sad after watching a movie, however, that does not mean to say that they will start crying. It varies from person to person, and some people are likely to be reluctant to admit crying. It also tends to be easier for women to admit to crying at movies than men, although it is not necessarily a bad thing if a man does admit it. It is only natural for people to have emotions, including the roughest and toughest.

Never Have I Ever

2. Never Have I Ever Gone Skinny Dipping

Skinny dipping can be a lot of fun, in addition to being very risque There is something about being naked around other people that is exciting, plus you are likely to get to see other people naked as well. It is something that parents are likely to frown upon, even if there is a good chance that they have done so themselves when they were younger.

It can be a good question as people may share stories of when they went skinny dipping. It is also a good question to ask early on as it is not too revealing, but sets the mood for something more exciting later.

3. Never Have I Lied To Get a Job

If you have an upcoming job interview, there is a good chance that you will be feeling quite nervous. Whether it is your dream job, or if you just need some extra money, you will want to perform at your best to give yourself the best possible chance. Depending on how much you want the job, you might be tempted to do something that you really shouldn’t lie.

We all know it is something that we should not do, but some do, and many even get away with it. It can lead to some quite hilarious times if you ask it as a question.

Never Have I Ever

4. Never Have I Pretended to Know Martial Arts in the Mirror

After watching a movie that starred the likes of Jackie Chan, a lot of people might like to think that they can do martial arts as well. When in front of the mirror it can be tempting to pull a few shapes as though you are performing complex martial arts moves, and we might also be tempted to tense our muscles for a display.

We wouldn’t usually want other people to know we are doing this and it can be quite embarrassing if we get caught. It can also be quite embarrassing to answer this question, but it can also be a lot of fun.

5. Never Have I Ever eaten Food from the Floor

We really shouldn’t eat food that has fallen onto the floor. Even relatively clean floors can still have a lot of bacteria, and these can potentially make us quite ill. That, and the thought of eating food from the floor is enough to turn people off the thought of food altogether.

Some people are really not bothered about eating from the floor, though, although they may not want others to know. At other times, it might be a matter of necessity as you are in too much of a hurry to make anything else. As a question, it is a good way to discover some peoples’ habits that they might prefer you didn’t know.

Never Have I Ever

6. Never Have I Ever Sung in the Shower

After a long day, there is nothing quite like a shower to help freshen and invigorate you, and a shower is also very useful when it comes to helping you wake up in the morning. In addition to having a practical purpose, having a shower can also be a lot of fun. A good question is singing in the shower.

Many people don’t sing in the shower, but others do and might be a little shy about admitting it, whereas others will proudly proclaim that they sing in the shower at every opportunity. You might even be fortunate enough to get a rendition of whichever songs are sung.

7. Never Have I Ever Slept in the Nude

When it comes to bedtime, a lot of people will wear pajamas, or maybe just sleep in their underwear. Which you do will depend largely on personal preference, while there are also other influencing factors, such as who else is sleeping in the bed or in the room. For some people, the best way to sleep is to do so completely naked.

It is a question that some people might prefer not to be honest about because some might consider it to be personal. Others, however, will be less shy and happy to reveal that they prefer to be completely naked when sleeping in bed.

Never Have I Ever

8. Never Have I Ever Been on a Date That Went Wrong

Going on a date can be a nerve-wracking experience. You will be apprehensive over whether or not your date will like you and how it will turn out at the end of the evening. If all goes well, your date will hopefully at least agree to another date. Sometimes, however, a date can turn out to be disastrous.

Never have I ever been on a date that went wrong is a question that has the potential to reveal some quite hilarious scenarios. It can involve stories where friends reveal how the person they were dating turned out to be a poor choice, or maybe that it was because of them that the date went so wrong.

9. Never Have I Ever Lied to Get a Date

We’ve all been there. You have a crush on somebody at school or at work and you desperately want to go out on a date with them. For some people it can be hard to pluck up the courage to ask, while other people are less shy about asking. Just because you do have the courage to ask, however, it does not mean to say they will agree.

In order for them to agree, you might be tempted to make something up to make the proposal sound more appealing. This question can be both revealing and hilarious when asked among friends.

10. Never Have I Ever Got a Tattoo I Regret

Opinions on tattoos vary widely. Some people love them and are happy to show them off if they have them, whereas other people find them to be unsightly. Regardless, even if you do like tattoos in general, you would still want to get one that is good artwork and not in an awkward place on your body.

As a question, the subject of tattoos you regret can be an interesting one. People will tend to try and hide tattoos they regret from other people and, depending on where the tattoos are located, even close friends might not know about them

Never Have I Ever

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