10 Pneumonia Causes
Advertisement As animals that take our oxygen from the air, we are reliant on our...
02 Nov, 2020Advertisement As animals that take our oxygen from the air, we are reliant on our...
02 Nov, 2020Advertisement Walking pneumonia is also known as atypical pneumonia. It is known as atypical pneumonia...
12 Mar, 2020Advertisement Pneumonia is a condition where there is inflammation in the lungs affecting the alveoli....
11 Mar, 2020Advertisement Pneumonia is an infection that affects the lungs. The condition leads to an inflammation...
06 Aug, 2019Advertisement Pneumonia is a potentially serious infection of the lungs. It directly affects the alveoli,...
19 May, 2019Advertisement Walking pneumonia is the common non-medical name for atypical pneumonia. It comes from the...
30 Sep, 2018Advertisement Pneumonia is a very common disease that can strike any kind of individual no...
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