10 Williams Syndrome Symptoms
- 1. Lazier, J., MD. (2020, December 05). Williams Syndrome Clinical Presentation: History, Physical Examination. Retrieved December 16, 2020, from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/893149-clinical
- 2. Ko, Jung Min. (2015). Genetic Syndromes associated with Congenital Heart Disease. Korean circulation journal. 45. 357-61. 10.4070/kcj.2015.45.5.357.
8. Decreased Muscle Tone
It is important to understand that the muscles in your body are never completely relaxed. Instead, they maintain a basal amount of tension, also known as muscle tone. A decreased muscle tone, also known as hypotonia, can be present in a variety of conditions. Moreover, hypotonia is usually diagnosed soon after birth, but it can also develop later on.
Children with Williams syndrome commonly present with a decreased muscle tone from birth. In Williams syndrome, hypotonia, along with hyperextensible joints, can contribute to a delay in reaching motor skills milestones. Hence, children with this condition may have trouble performing activities (i.e. rolling over, sitting without support, or walking) that other children their age may already be doing. As mentioned, hypotonia may also cause feeding problems in these patients, due to sucking or swallowing difficulties.