What Is Uvulitis?

By albert
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9. Medical Treatment for Uvulitis

Treating uvulitis depends on the cause of the condition. Once the cause is resolved, uvulitis will also clear. Some medical conditions, like the common cold, can go away without treatment. Uvulitis due to such conditions clears up once the infection goes away. If, however, the condition causes a lot of discomfort, you can take pain medication and wait for the swelling to reduce. Cases of bacterial infection are treated with antibiotics. Make sure that you complete the course of treatment even after you get relief from the symptoms.

If uvulitis is a result of an allergy, seek a doctors assistance to determine the allergen so you can avoid it. Antihistamines or steroids are used to treat allergies. Uvulitis due to hereditary angioedema can be treated with C1 esterase inhibitors, plasma kallikrein inhibitor, bradykinin receptor antagonist, or androgens.


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