What Is Tinea Pedis?

By boone
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Gupta, AK et al. 'Optimal Management of Fungal Infections of the Skin, Hair, and Nail.' External American Journal of Clinical Dermatology vol. 5,4 (2004): 225-37. doi:10.2165/00128071-200405040-00003.
  • 2. Crawford, F. and S. Hollis. Topical Treatments for Fungal Infections of the Skin and Nails of the Foot. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews vol. 18,3 (2007): CD001434. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001434.pub2.
  • 3. Gupta, A.K. and E.A. Cooper. Update in Antifungal Therapy of Dermatophytosis. Mycopathologia vol. 166,5-6 (2008): 353. doi:10.1007/s11046-008-9109-0.
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8. Prevention

Preventative measures reduce the potential for contracting tinea pedis or experiencing a recurrence. Dry the space between the toes thoroughly after showering. People who have feet that sweat easily should consider changing their socks a couple of times a day. Do not go barefoot in public places.

Taking care to select proper footwear is also important. Avoid shoes that are tight-fitting and made of a material that does not breathe. Be sure to alternate shoes on a daily basis to give each pair an opportunity to dry out between uses. Sharing shoes should be avoided. It is a good idea to apply anti-fungal powders to the feet daily.

Tinea Pedis

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