What Is Tinea Pedis?

By boone
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Gupta, AK et al. 'Optimal Management of Fungal Infections of the Skin, Hair, and Nail.' External American Journal of Clinical Dermatology vol. 5,4 (2004): 225-37. doi:10.2165/00128071-200405040-00003.
  • 2. Crawford, F. and S. Hollis. Topical Treatments for Fungal Infections of the Skin and Nails of the Foot. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews vol. 18,3 (2007): CD001434. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001434.pub2.
  • 3. Gupta, A.K. and E.A. Cooper. Update in Antifungal Therapy of Dermatophytosis. Mycopathologia vol. 166,5-6 (2008): 353. doi:10.1007/s11046-008-9109-0.
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10. When to See a Doctor

People often treat cases of tinea pedis using topical OTC antifungal medications. These treatments do not require a doctor’s visit or prescription. However, if you are uncertain about the cause of your rash, you may want to make an appointment with your healthcare provider.

If OTC treatment does not improve the condition within two weeks, you should contact your doctor. It may be necessary to prescribe a stronger medication. It is also important to rule out other potential causes. People who have diabetes should make an appointment to see their doctor if they suspect they have tinea pedis.

Tinea Pedis

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