What Is the Flu Incubation Period?

By amara
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. (2020, August 31). Clinical signs & symptoms of influenza. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/acip/clinical.htm
  • 2. Ries, J. (2020, January 1). Sorry, you might get the flu twice this year — here's why. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/get-the-flu-twice-this-year
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8. What Should I Do if I Know I’ve Been Exposed to the Flu?

If you know you have been exposed to the flu — for example, your sister and her kids all have it, and when you dropped off groceries at their house, your three-year-old nephew sneezed on you — it’s recommended to keep an eye on your symptoms and your temperature for a few days. Don’t take chances with influenza.

If you feel fine after a few days and you haven’t developed symptoms, it’s probably safe to assume that you will not be getting the flu this time. If you start to feel ill, you may want to call in sick to work and call your doctor to schedule a flu test.

Flu Incubation Period

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