What Is the Flu Incubation Period?

By amara
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. (2020, August 31). Clinical signs & symptoms of influenza. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/acip/clinical.htm
  • 2. Ries, J. (2020, January 1). Sorry, you might get the flu twice this year — here's why. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/get-the-flu-twice-this-year
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7. Can’t I Just Wear a Mask If I Think I’m in the Incubation Period?

You may be able to wear a mask to provide extra protection to others while you go out and complete your daily errands and work. If you are working indoors, make sure to wash your hands and be careful about touching or hugging others.

If you know you have been exposed to the flu and are feeling tired, run-down, or a little bit “off,” stay home if you can! The flu virus spreads rapidly and it is crucial to avoid contact with others if you know you’ve been exposed.

Flu Incubation Period

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