What Is the Flu Incubation Period?

By amara
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. (2020, August 31). Clinical signs & symptoms of influenza. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/acip/clinical.htm
  • 2. Ries, J. (2020, January 1). Sorry, you might get the flu twice this year — here's why. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/get-the-flu-twice-this-year
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4. If I Already Had the Flu, Am I Now Immune?

If you have had the flu during one flu season, you may be immune for the rest of that flu season. Unfortunately, new strains of the flu develop every year, so catching the flu once does not provide lifelong immunity. This is why new flu shots come out every year.

There are often several strains of the flu that appear during one flu season. If you catch an A-strain of the flu, you can still catch the B-strain later that season.2Ries, J. (2020, January 1). Sorry, you might get the flu twice this year — here’s why. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/get-the-flu-twice-this-year It’s best to continue to follow public health precautions and not get overconfident that you won’t get sick.

Flu Incubation Period

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