What Is Oxidized Cholesterol?

By kevin
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4. What Does Oxidized Mean?

Oxidation is the term for a chemical reaction in which one substance has some of its electrons taken away by another substance. Oxygen is a notorious electron thief, hence the word “oxidize” was coined to describe the process. However, other elements and compounds besides oxygen can do the same thing. For example, it is natural for the liver to oxidize cholesterol into digestive bile acids; but when cholesterol and hence bile become too concentrated, cholesterol can build up, harden, and become part of gallstones.

LDL cholesterol also can also become oxidized by nitrogen, various enzymes, and by compounds known as free radicals, including hemoglobin leaked from damaged red blood cells and by excess copper and iron stored in the liver. This type of oxidation causes changes to both the cholesterol and to its lipoprotein carrier and leads to plaques in the arteries. HDL cholesterol can help prevent this type of oxidation from occurring to LDL.

Oxidized Cholesterol

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