What Is Normal Body Temperature?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. What Temperature Is Considered a Fever?

Regardless of your age or the thermometer you’ve used, a temperature over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is typically considered a fever. Fevers are a common symptom of a bacterial or viral infection. Look for other signs, like sweating, chills, headache or muscle aches, for signs that you may have an infection. Some infections only produce minor symptoms, while others come with serious side effects and need to be treated immediately. A minor fever isn’t typically a cause for concern, but a fever over 104 degrees Fahrenheit in an adult should be treated seriously.

Watch for a fever over 106.7 degrees Fahrenheit. This extreme temperature is called hyperpyrexia and is an emergency. Hyperpyrexia is generally caused by another condition, such as intracranial hemorrhaging, sepsis or a rare side effect of anesthesia. Any issue that causes hyperpyrexia needs immediate medical attention. High temperatures can lead to serious side effects and are typically caused by serious infections or bleeding, so don’t hesitate to contact a doctor.

Body Temperature

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