What Is Normal Body Temperature?

By kyle
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. How Do You Take Your Temperature?

The most accurate way to measure your temperature is with the latest thermometers and equipment at your doctor’s office. However, you can still take your temperature at home to determine whether you have a serious fever or are experiencing hypothermia. A quality thermometer is a helpful way to keep track of your temperature to spot signs of a fever or to find your own average temperature. Track your temperature for days or weeks at a time to arrive at an average for your body.

The best ways to take your temperature as an adult are oral, armpit or ear thermometers. Look for other signs of a fever to determine whether you need to contact a medical service provider near you. Don’t let a fever increase without notice, but take your temperature at the first sign of an infection to determine the best course of action. Keep track of your temperature to recognize the progression of an infection and seek prompt treatment if needed.

Body Temperature

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