What Is Myopathy?

By brett
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 'What is Muscular Dystrophy?' Undated. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/musculardystrophy/facts.html.
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9. Treatment of Myopathy

Genetic myopathy is incurable, but physicians manage the symptoms in a number of ways. Doctors may be able to prescribe drugs to help reduce the inflammation of the areas affected. Aside from oral medication, creams and ointments may also help restore blood flow to an area of the body.

Exercise is one way to help alleviate the progression of many myopathies. It can help increase muscle size and vitality, improve cardiovascular strength and enhance flexibility. Heat therapy to the muscle group can also help increase circulation and bring fresh blood to the area.


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