What Is Myopathy?

By brett
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 'What is Muscular Dystrophy?' Undated. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/musculardystrophy/facts.html.
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8. Drug-Induced Myopathy

Prescription medication and other substances may cause muscle weakness. Those medications prescribed for lowering lipids and helping heart health may inhibit muscles. Leg cramps and overall weakness may result during treatment. Drugs for controlling certain psychological issues may also suppress nerve impulses to the body, including stimulus to large muscle groups.

The long-term consumption of alcohol may cause muscle weakening. Myopathy due to alcohol use is rare in those who are casual or occasional users. However, in longstanding alcoholics, spasms, numbness and atrophy of some muscles may occur.


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