What Is Melanin?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
Article Sources Article Sources
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10. Other Disorders Related to Melanin

There are also other disorders that are related to melanin production. In individuals with melasma, there are brownish patches on the face that are thought to be caused by hormones, exposure to sun, and birth control pills. They can be treated using prescription creams, chemical peels, and laser treatment.

In vitiligo, melanocytes are lost, resulting in smooth white patches on the skin. Although there is no cure, treatment options include corticosteroid creams, ultraviolet light therapy, and dyes. In another significant disorder known as Parkinson’s disease, experts find that there is decreased levels of neuromelanin in the locus coeruleus and substantial nigra, resulting in lower levels of norepinephrine and dopamine.


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