What Is Maladaptive Daydreaming?

By kara
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9. Treating with Sleep

Since maladaptive daydreaming is not a diagnosable condition, treatment options may be limited for those experiencing symptoms. Still, there are a number of potential solutions to consider. Many experts believe the mind wanders more when a person is fatigued. If you are not getting a full night’s rest, it could be a contributing factor to how often you’re daydreaming. Making a concerted effort to get better sleep may be able to reduce the frequency at which you experience episodes of daydreaming.

One of the leading causes in disrupted sleep patterns is the blue light that many devices emit. This light “tricks” the mind into thinking it is experiencing sunlight, which produces the hormones that keep you alert and active. Limit screen time before bed to improve the odds of getting sleep.

Maladaptive Daydreaming

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