What Is Hypercapnia?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Patient Education

Prevention of hypercapnia includes increasing patient compliance for the management of existing medical conditions such as COPD. This means taking medicine and following guidelines such as using supplemental oxygen as directed. It is best to decrease the use of sedatives and narcotics and use only as directed. Any side effects should be reported.

Those who are on supplemental oxygen at home may find it beneficial to have a fingertip pulse oximeter to monitor their oxygen levels. They may also ask to consult with a physical, occupational, or respiratory therapist on breathing techniques to help clear carbon dioxide more efficiently. Always seek medical attention when there are symptoms such as breathlessness, lethargy, and confusion. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by having a good diet, regular exercise, no smoking, and having regular follow-ups with the doctor is also recommended.


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