What Is Fissured Tongue?

By kevin
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8. Is Bald Tongue the Same as a Fissured Tongue?

One of the defining characteristics of a fissured tongue is a reduced number of papillae, the white and pink bumps found on the surface of the average tongue. While it is a symptom associated with fissured tongue, it might also be suggestive of another condition. Bald tongue, also known as atrophic glossitis, is when the tongue loses a majority or all of the papillae on the surface. Instead, the tongue will appear smooth, flat, and very red. Unlike fissured tongue, bald tongue might require you to take action to fix the issue at hand.

In some cases, a bald tongue is the result of a lack of particular nutrients. Experts believe it can be caused when a person is not getting enough vitamin B. There is also some evidence to suggest that a bald tongue is a symptom of anemia.

Fissured Tongue

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