What Is Fissured Tongue?

By kevin
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5. Are There Conditions Associated with Fissured Tongue?

Though harmless by itself, it is important to take note of a fissured tongue when it is coupled with other symptoms. Genetic conditions like Down syndrome can cause variations in a person’s physical and mental development. In many cases, a fissured tongue is the direct result of such variations. Neurological conditions like Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome are also heralded by a fissured tongue, along with facial paralysis and swelling of the lips and face. With Down syndrome and Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, the fissured tongue will be one of a number of symptoms.

Some physicians have also reported fissured tongue in relation to other conditions. Though unclear on the specifics, malnutrition or a deficiency with specific minerals or vitamins might lead to the condition. There might also be a connection between fissured tongue and psoriasis, a common skin disorder.

Fissured Tongue

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