What Is Fissured Tongue?

By kevin
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6. What Are the Treatments for Fissured Tongue?

Due to the fact that fissured tongue is usually a condition without any problematic symptoms or long-term consequences, there is no need to have it treated by a medical professional. This does not mean that there are not certain considerations to take if you have the condition. Dentists advise taking extra care with brushing when your tongue is fissured, as bacteria can easily hide and thrive in the deep grooves on the tongue. Spending time brushing and scraping the tongue can reduce the odds of excessive plaque leading to tooth decay.

As mentioned, a fissured tongue is likely to become less prominent as a person gets older. If the fissures remain throughout your life, you simply need to make sure you are always consulting with your dentist about better ways to keep your tongue free of bacteria.

Fissured Tongue

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