What Is Diabetes Mellitus?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of diabetes are unintentional weight loss (with Type I Diabetes), increased urination (polyuria), increased hunger (polyphagia), fatigue, blurry vision, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and increased thirst (polydipsia).

In type 1 diabetes, symptoms can begin and develop rapidly while it may be slower in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Patients with diabetes also tend to heal more slowly and may experience pruritus (itchy skin), prone to skin infections (yeast), vision changes, skin rashes, and a smell of acetone from their breath. Depending on the type of diabetes, some symptoms may be more common compared to another type. Some symptoms may also be more acute while some only occur as the disease has progressed several years later.

Diabetes Mellitus

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