What Is Blepharitis?

By amanda
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4. Staphylococcal Blepharitis

This type of blepharitis is caused by infection by the staphylococcal, or “staph,” bacteria, and it generally presents with anterior eyelid inflammation with sticky, thickened eyelids. Staph bacteria are responsible for other conditions like food poisoning and even respiratory conditions like pneumonia, and they normally live in the human body without causing a problem.

Dry eyes can lead to staph blepharitis, due to the fact that our tears lubricate our eyes and are made up of much more than just water, such as antibiotic agents that keep our eyes free of infection. If your doctor diagnoses you with this type of eyelid inflammation, you might need to take antibiotics to treat the infection and relieve your eyelid pain with warm compresses.


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