What Is Autism?

By jolene
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10. Patient Education

Since local education boards may not be up to date or unsure regarding the needs of children with ASD, parents and pediatricians can seek professional advice from sources such as the Autism Society of America. Legal assistance may be required to help influence education boards to obtain appropriate funding for a child with ASD.

Since individuals with ASD may have developmental disabilities, they are vulnerable to sexual abuse, especially those who are severely disabled. Both caregivers and parents need to be aware of this risk. Patients should also be educated on how to recognize sexual abuse and who they can turn to. In a survey of 1,000 children with ASD, almost half exhibited elopement or wandering away from their schools, homes, and safe environments. Parents should be warned regarding this behavior as it poses potential danger. Parents, teachers, and caregivers should be advised to watch their children with ASD vigilantly.


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