What Is a Goiter?

By kara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. Types of Goiters

There are several classifications of goiters of which you should stay aware. A colloid goiter is one of the more common types and usually occurs due to a person’s lack of iodine in his or her diet. An endemic goiter of this nature is usually easy to treat. Conversely, a nontoxic goiter, also known as a sporadic goiter, usually develops from an abundance of lithium in the system. Interestingly, nontoxic goiters don’t impact thyroid function. Finally, toxic nodular and multinodular goiters are comprised of several small nodes that each produce hormones, causing an overactive thyroid.

The best way to identify the type of goiter you’re living with is by speaking with a medical professional. A doctor can help inform you of the exact conditions that led to your goiter and suggest treatment options as well as lifestyle changes you can follow to improve your health moving forward.


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