What Is a Furuncle?

By katherine
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8. What Are the Possible Complications of Furuncles?

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a particular strain of bacteria that does not respond to the most common antibiotics used to treat infection. If a furuncle is caused by MRSA, it may not respond to traditional treatments and/or keep coming back. It may be necessary to treat this type of skin lesion with stronger antibiotics. Doctors usually do not prescribe antibiotics to treat a boil but may make an exception for one caused by MRSA.

An untreated furuncle that does not resolve on its own can cause the bacteria to enter the bloodstream. This can result in a condition known as sepsis, or blood poisoning, by which the infection can travel to other, more vulnerable areas of the body, such as your bones or your heart. Fortunately, however, complications such as these from furuncles are rare.


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