What Is a Furuncle?

By katherine
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5. How Is a Furuncle Treated?

Self-care for a boil typically involves trying to force it to come to a head and drain more quickly than it would on its own. The recommended way to accomplish this is by applying moist heat. This increases the blood flow to the area, and therefore white blood cells to fight off the infection. You can apply a warm compress, such as a wet washcloth, to the area three to four times a day for 30 to 40 minutes at a time. You can also soak the furuncle in warm water if it is located on an accessible area of the body.

If your boil does not heal on its own or is particularly painful, it may be necessary for a doctor to drain it. This is accomplished under sterile conditions by either inserting a needle into the boil or using a surgical cutting tool to incise it. You should never try to drain a furuncle on your own. This could force the infection deeper into the tissues or spread it around to other areas. It may also increase the risk of scarring.


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