What Causes Prostate Cancer?

By jolene
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5. Signs and Symptoms

Patients with early stages of prostate cancer have little to no symptoms. Those with symptoms may experience issues similar to those with benign prostatic hyperplasia such as increased urination at night (nocturia), frequent urination, dribbling, difficulty starting urination, painful urination (dysuria), urinary retention, and blood in the urine (hematuria). When prostate cancer is advanced, it can result in symptoms that involve spread or metastasis.

These include weight loss, appetite loss, anemia, pain in the lower extremities, swelling (edema) in the lower limbs due to obstruction of lymphatic and venous vessels, neurological symptoms from compression of the spinal cord, and bone pain (with or without pathological fracture) as prostate cancer tends to metastasize to bone.

Prostate Cancer

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