What Are the Signs of Lupus?

By amara
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Trouble Breathing

Another sign of lupus is a stabbing pain in the chest when you laugh, sneeze, or sometimes simply breathe. This condition is called pleurisy and is caused by inflammation of the outer lining (pleura) of the lungs. Sometimes a liquid can build up between the pleura and the lungs, causing what is known as a pleural effusion, which also causes chest pain and shortness of breath. When symptoms include fever and excessive coughing, it can be a sign that tissues inside the lungs may be infected by microorganisms.

Over the long term, breathing problems can lead to scar tissue forming in the lungs, which can further reduce their ability to function. This situation leaves many patients with what is known as chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease, the symptoms of which are coughing, experiencing chest pain, and feeling short of breath after physical activity. Lung disease puts them at risk for pulmonary embolism, a life-threatening situation in which a blood clot forms in the lungs.


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