10 Tuberculosis Symptoms
Symptom #2: Coughing Up Blood
Another symptom of TB infection is the expectoration of blood or blood-tinged sputum, called hemoptysis. Generally, blood that originates from the lower bronchial tree or lung tissue induces cough, whereas expectoration without cough is more consistent with an upper respiratory source.
Moreover, the lungs have a dual circulation– bronchial and pulmonary. As Mycobacterium tuberculosis enters the respiratory system it gets settled in the lungs where it starts multiplying and generating a vigorous immune response that results in lung tissue injury. Infection with M. tuberculosis generally causes bleeding from the pulmonary parenchyma (functional tissue). However, engorgement of dilated bronchial vessels and links (anastomoses) between both circulations, can also occur and lead to erosion and rupture of pulmonary capillaries and bronchial arteries. The overall management of hemoptysis is preventing aspiration of blood, bleeding cessation and treatment of underlying cause. Note that tuberculosis is not the sole cause of this symptom.