Swollen Uvula Causes

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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2. Herbal Remedies

For some people “natural” means harmless. However, that is not always the case. For example, some herbal remedies can induce uvulitis. A good example is the Mediterranean plant Ecbalium elaterium, also known as wild or squirting cucumber. It belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, and its juice has been attributed to anti-inflammatory effects, especially in the management of sinusitis.

However, there are no scientific studies that validate its use for this purpose. In fact, it has been reported to cause swelling of the upper airway in some people, especially affecting the uvula and the soft palate. Similarly, an edible plant known as Brassica arvensis (wild mustard) can also cause uvulitis in some people. Rarely, it is also used as a home remedy.

Swollen Uvula

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